Walking: Long Walk 10+ kms. Group
Time - 10:00
Week - Fourth
Day - Monday
Venue - Various
Group Coordinators
Eric Delaval
KC LW 2 or 3 days away trip14 Sep 202410:00
LW St Feliu Puig Gros09 Jan 202410:00
Venue: Details notified seven to 10 days in advance.
Event: every fourth Monday of the month - except July & August.
This group is open to all U3A members. We walk in many locations in this beautiful countryside. Some walks are coastal, some more rural and some in the nearby mountains. The walks are between 10 and 15 km lasting up to 4 hours, usually 3  to 3.5 hours, depending on the length of the walk. Sometimes the walks are on flat surfaces others are combinations of medium to steeper hills. Therefore, good physical condition, good walking boots or shoes are essential.
We usually have a limit of 25 persons on a walk. If the walk is full your name will be put on the waiting list. Priority is given to members of the group but if the limit has not been reached by closing date, family members or friends are welcome to join. We end our walks with a menu del dia lunch arranged by the walk organiser. This is a good way of getting to know our fellow-walkers and reward ourselves for all our hard work. The lunch is optional.
Members of the group are kindly requested to organise a walk. We really encourage those that have never led a walk before to try. Walks can be very different at different times of year, or simply do them round the other way. I will gladly make suggestions and help to recce a walk with organisers.

Please see the chart below for the programme for the year.


Eric Delaval
2024  Organiser Participants
Area of walk
22 January Veronique & Xavier Limpens


 Sant Feliu - Puig Gros
26 Feb  Carine & Hans Engelmoer
 8  Palafrugell coast
25 March Gisele Bongrand
 7  Begur
22 April
 Lindsay Kennard
 10  Llagostera loop
27 May

 Peter de Lange & Krijnie Gerritsen


 La Fosca

 24 June

 Eric & Jane Delaval
Vall de LLemena
 14 Sept
Jackie Hibberd, Jane & Eric Delaval
   2/3 day trip away Ager
28 Oct

25 Nov

23 Dec


 2023 Organiser

 Area of walk

27 January
Lindsay Kennard
Sant Feliu area

24 Feb

Hans & Carine Engelmoer
Palafrugell coastal walk
24 March
Nienke Abma
Llansa to Port de la Selva
28 April

Jackie Hibberd

26 May
Lindsay Kennard
Romanya de la Selva
19 June

Jackie Hibberd

Joint KC/LW GR1 Camallera
22 Sept
Jane & Eric Delaval
27 Oct
Jackie Hibberd
Cassa de la Selva
24 Nov
Nienke Abma