Renew your membership

The U3A Membership subscription runs from 1st January to 31st December each year.  
 The subscription for 2024 is €15 or £14.
Payments can be made via the bank or cash. Details below:-
EURO Account – Asociacion U3A Internacional Costa Brava U3A Euro Membership Fee – €15
IBAN BE77 9673 0446 1542
Address Wise Europe SA, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium
GBP Account – Asociacion U3A Internacional Costa Brava U3A Pound Membership Fee – £14
Account number 66361997
IBAN GB85 TRWI 2314 7066 3619 97
UK sort code 23-14-70
Address Wise Payments Limited, 56 Shoreditch High Street, London, E1 6JJ, UK
If you would like to pay by cash – please put your payment in a sealed envelope with your name on it and give it to a committee member at an event.
 Subscriptions can be taken in advance for the coming year from October onwards.

You will receive a receipt via email once your subscription is paid.

Life Membership – If have been a U3A member for at least 10 years and have reached the age of 80 before the start of the new membership year you are eligible for free ‘Life Membership’. Please inform the membership secretary who will transfer you to Life Membership status.

Please contact a Committee member by phone or email if you have any questions.