Meet 10.00 in car park , heading direction Girona on right hand side. Opposite Rei de las Relojas and Raised Restaurant Hotel. Coffee available in small cafe in car park. ‘Snack Medinya’
10.30 cycle off
Description of route. Level 3 Mainly minor roads or hard packed dedicated cycle ways. Steepest ascent is out of Medinya up to the ridge. Along the ridge a short way before heading down across the valley and river. back across the valley to Cornella del Terri for coffee break. We continue on metalled roads, skirting the east of Banyoles. Returning on minor road first flatter cross country then joining the significantly ‘undulating’ road to the interesting village Palol de Revardit. here we will take another rest. We cycle down pleasant country minor roads recrossing the valley to climb up to the ridge ending by descending down to Medinya and option of lunch at simple and friendly Snack Medinya.
32km Lev 3 Cycle Guidelins Click Link to U3A Cycle Guidelines
Please remember to: Wear your Cycle Helmets / Bring a small first aid kit./ Cycle pump and inner tubes
Cancellation: If the event has to be cancelled for any reason you will receive an email & there will be a Cancellation Notice on the U3A Website by 8 am on the morning of the event.