Walking Bravas 8-10 km Group
Time - 10:00
Week - Second
Day - Wednesday
Venue - Various
Group Coordinators
Stuart McLauchlan
Karin Thomsen
There are currently no events scheduled for this group


Walking is wonderful in our part of Catalunya, and our monthly walks take us into quiet lanes, fields and forests, along magnificent coastlines, rivers and streams and sometimes into the mountains where we see medieval villages, castles, monasteries, carpets of spring flowers, a wide range of birds and the occasional wild animal.

We talk all the time and laugh a lot - and the medics tell us that the activity is good for us because it gets the heart pumping vigorously without straining the system, oils the joints and fills our lungs with the pure air of this beautiful part of Spain. Our walks are on the second Wednesday of each month and open to Bravas members with priority given to those who agree to lead a walk during the following twelve months and those who have led a walk in the previous 12 months.

Each walk is limited to 25 people, and we walk at a steady pace taking short breaks about once an hour. Our walks are between 6 and 10 kilometres in length. Some walks may be a little more challenging than others but a description will appear on the website along with an indication of the difficulty involved. The walk organiser leads from the front and the backstop supports slower walkers at the rear. Cameras and binoculars are welcome and we encourage mobile phones to keep in contact in case someone gets lost. Guests are welcome by request to the event organiser, provided that the walk is not full. Please note that taking part in all U3A events is at the participant's own risk, as we do not provide insurance cover for group members. We do, however, have third party insurance cover in place which covers any claims made against us by others. Please bring your Cat Salut or EHIC card, and details of any private health insurance policy you may hold. Every member should expect to lead a walk at least once every couple of years. This can be one of your favourite walks because if you like it then it is almost guaranteed the rest of the group will also enjoy it. Once you have volunteered to lead a group, and prior to the month you have chosen, we will send you a reminder email along with the template to be completed and returned approximately 3 weeks before the event date. Make sure the template is completed with as much detail as possible, referring to the walking guidelines to indicate the level of difficulty. Don’t worry if you have problems, the event coordinators are there to help. Once the event is posted you will receive confirmation emails as members sign on.


 Bravas Walking Calendar 2024

January 10th

Sant Juliá de Ramis and Muntanya dels Metges 

Karin Thomsen 

February 14th

Fontanilles and Llabià

Karin Thomsen


March 13th

Port de la Selva

Link to map of route:  www.plotaroute.com/route/2524899  

Liz Merry and Nigel Davis

April 10th

Patrick and Anick
May 8th
Hill paths above Lloret de Mar
Brigid Spillane

June 12th

  St Jordi Desvalls / Cervià de Ter


Sue and Roger Creed


          SUMMER  BREAK 


September 11th


October 9th

November 13th


December 11th